My throat and ears are killing me this morning thanks to allergies, so this post may be pretty short. Please forgive any typos that my watery eyes may prevent me from seeing! I just popped and Allegra, so hopefully I'll be back to normal in a hour!
This week's success stories:
My BIG success was our standardized testing! THREE out of my four kids tested ABOVE grade level in both reading and math! The fourth kid still made progress, but he is a special case where testing will never be something he's good at. He needs too much prompting that isn't allowed during a test. His scores are not a true reflection of his ability so I'm not too worried about it. I'm so excited that despite the fact that I teach special ed, that my kids are still able to meet the academic expectations of a regular student! I work my butt off to make sure my kids never fall behind, and I love when the testing shows my hard work is paying off. One boy went from a preschool level to a first grade level in the last 8 months. That's AMAZING! I'm so proud of them and how hard they've worked this year!
We also made Mother's Day Cards! Here is my sample one and two from the kids. They are simple, but still really cute. It's just markers and a couple small squares of tissue paper on construction paper. One of the moms looked very impressed when her son handed it to her after school :)

And just for fun... Check out what genius boy is up to now: Math in different fonts! During testing he stopped working and I asked what he was doing. His answer: Making music in my head! The other day a teacher caught him humming and recognized it as a famous classical piece and the kid could name the composer and title off the top of his head. He amazes me every day!

Lastly, it's the end of teacher appreciation week. I wanted to show that people never forget their great teachers! This is a book from my kindergarten teacher when I was 5. This book now sits in my own kindergarten classroom! I have it on a special shelf and had to buy a new copy for the kids since I'd cry if anything ever happened to this book! I got this book during a very difficult time for me and my family. I felt so special when my teacher picked a book that the main character's first name was Lisa. I felt so special and loved when she put thought into which book she gave me. Thanks Mrs. Miguelgorry!
Your turn! Share the linky image at the top and share your success story!

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