What's New This Year?
There are so many new and exciting changes for me this year!
- New Teaching Partner! I'm happily teaching with my friend Allison this year. Neither one of us saw this change coming, but we think we'll be an amazing team together! I'm keeping my grade level, so I'll continue to teach 1st/2nd this year.
- New School (location) Our school is undergoing major renovations, all of which are for the better. We are all very excited to see the new changes! The one major effect of these renovations is that we have to move our entire school for the summer, then we'll have to move it all back in August. This means Allison and I will be in a new classroom when we get back, which is bigger than the previous size it had. Looks like we get to experiment with classroom arrangement!
- Wilson Certification I am thrilled that I was selected to become Wilson Certified to teach using the Wilson Reading System. I've been told it will be a ton of work on top of my regular teaching schedule, but I know it will be worth it. I get to work one-on-one with a really great kid, and I'm super excited to help this kid grow!
There is so much to think about! What themes should we teach? What changes should I make to the way we ran the room last year compared to this new school year?
What changes can you expect for this school year?